"Youth plays an essential part in moving the world ahead in an ever-changing environment. The chance to study in Poland opened up the path to a more thorough understanding of our society's shortcomings and frailties. This experience, particularly the immersion in various cultures and ideas, will definitely provide students with a perspective that will be critical in nurturing compassion and collaboration in a global network. The Erasmus+ journey will undoubtedly prepare the youth to be truly independent, but more significantly, to return home with an innovative viewpoint on a specific industry and a desire to challenge the current status quo. Our country's youth do indeed shape the country's future, and they do so with excellence.

Studying in European countries can help you transform yourself and the world. Go on and immerse yourself in diverse cultures and customs, pursue academic success, personal growth, and challenge the current quo. Step out of your comfort zone and proceed into the unknown. With zeal, study and embark on a journey that will shape you and your vision for your country and the world."

Jasmine Joy Roscelle B. Salanga, LPT
Master of Arts in Journalism, University of Santo Tomas

Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Studies
Akademia Kultury Spolecznej I Medialnej
Toruń, Poland
Master of Arts in Journalism and Social Communication
March 2023 - July 2023

What makes us uniquely human, separated from other animals, is our ability to think, create, and solve problems. If you ask me, what is the meaning of life? It is to keep learning, to keep using our minds, to keep creating.

Pursuing higher education in Europe is the epitome of this quest: to be surrounded by the world’s greatest thinkers, artists, inventors (past and present); to learn from them, become like them, improve on them, and then come home and apply the learnings to share knowledge, solve problems, and make life even a little better for those who will never have the same opportunity; to push for the opportunity for more people. To me, there is no better vocation than this.

Dr. Daniela Laurel

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Politecnico di Milano, Italy 


"In Sweden, students are exposed to an educational environment that thrives on the principles of equality, openness, and cutting-edge research. The nation's commitment to innovation is evident not only in its vibrant tech hubs but also in its emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration, enabling students to explore uncharted territories and unravel complex challenges.

By immersing themselves in the Swedish context, the youth can benefit from cutting-edge research, diverse perspectives, and a strong focus on practical skills. Moreover, the cultural richness and international exposure of being in Europe as a whole, create an ideal setting for personal growth, broadening horizons, and building a global network that can propel them towards their aspirations for excellence."

Nes Patrick Kong Señor
Lund University School of Economics Management, Lund, Sweden (Year
graduated 2021)

ESCP Business School, Paris, France (Year graduated 2022)

"I was exposed to cultures different from mine and a present that is more livable than, unfortunately, in my country. It made me question my reality and ask for a nourishing future. In response, I dared myself to leave what's comfortable and seek more of what I and my peers in the Global South deserve. This experience greatly motivated me to facilitate justice as my sense of excellence. Knowing what is better allowed me to better what is not.

Studying in Europe does not wholly mean escaping to seek relief, although that was one of the main reasons for my scholarship application to Europe: to leave the suffocating gloom of the pandemic in the Philippines for a more breathable Belgium. Studying here, is in fact, more of a grounding, at least for me. Contrary to popular belief, being a postgraduate student in Europe is not only about resting, loitering, and taking thousands of photos in various well-known landmarks. My experience was mostly filled with humility as I encountered a world larger than my previous one. I wasn't as big as I thought I was. It was a world that demanded more unfamiliar grit from me as it continued to envelop me with an air of uncertainty and discomfort. I was traveling, meeting new people, and learning the latest social and artistic concepts, for sure."

Samantha Justine Q. Domingo
Advanced Master of Science in Cultural Anthropology and Development Studies (KU Leuven) Belgium, 2022


"Doing my master-level studies in the EU is truly a daily quest for excellence. The diverse and challenging environment always keeps me on my toes and prepares me to take challenges head-on. Moreover, the potential for collaborative work opens up possibilities of innovation and allows me to diversify my skill sets. Indeed, the goal-driven youth of today should not pass up the chance to experience education in the EU!

Educational institutions in the EU offer a plethora of opportunities for students around the world to grab. It’s just a matter of finding the right match to your short- and long-term goals. To aspiring students, take the time to think deeply about what you want to study in the EU as it will definitely reflect on the quality of your application. The application process might be painstaking, but it will all be worth it once you get that acceptance letter."


Karl Vincent Alvarez

Biomedical Engineering Master Program

Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program

"I was a fresh graduate of Architecture when I took the chance of applying to a Master’s Degree in Italy. It was a gamble but looking back now I’d say that it was all worth it. It was an experience of many firsts and many discoveries about myself, my chosen career, and the world in general. I have learned a lot from the progressive methods of learning and collaboration in an international setting, the research culture, and the best practices in EU in dealing with and improving modern societies through Architecture, Urban Planning and Policy Design.

Here’s some advice to aspiring students: Have a heart that is strong enough to hurdle the many challenges of living away from your comfort zone and at the same time receptive enough to accept new learnings and experiences. Travel, be excited to discover new cultures, make new friends and make sure to document everything."


Registered and Licensed Architect

Bachelor in Philosophy
Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome, Italy
Master of Science in Urban Planning and Policy Design
Politecnico di Milano University, Milan, Italy

"My experience in the EU has shown me that education and having a culture of excellence brings tremendous prosperity. The secret? They have highly invested in their educational system, moreover, companies and universities have strong research collaborations. I would like to encourage all aspiring students to try to apply for any available EU scholarships like DAAD, Marie Curie or Erasmus Mundus. I think that the exposure to a world class education in many of their universities plus the tour during semestral breaks can enhance your learning not just about their science, but also about their food, culture, language, engineering, and ethics."

Edison Macusi 
Master in ISATEC (International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology)
University of Bremen, Germany 

PhD in Fisheries Ecology
Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands 


This is to dispel the stereotype that you need to have excellent grades to secure a scholarship and study in the EU. I have always been an average student. I didn't have high grades during my undergraduate degree. But how was I able to secure a grant? I had to hone my grit, persevere and channel all my willpower to try to improve myself, believe in an advocacy, and build my profile to have that chance. It took me more than a decade to actually be able to get to Spain.

Matthew G. Marquez
Master in Migration Studies, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
MAEC-AECID becario

"Pursuing graduate studies in Europe has been one of the best decisions I made in my life. The entire journey was never easy, the experience itself was a learning process not just enriching the things you know and learning more of the things you don’t but discovering more about yourself while working with people from different cultures and countries. If we put it in a bigger perspective, the experience has taught me that everything comes in process, and it is important that we take our time and just live with the moment but what is important is we trust ourselves and just be open for any possibilities and opportunities along the way. Indeed, our experiences deal directly with our senses which truly makes it our best teacher.

To aspiring students who want to pursue graduate studies in the EU, always remember the reason why you are doing it and honor that reason. Be passionate about the things you want to do but always be open to changes and just enjoy the moment. Savor the opportunity as this does not happen to everyone but remain humble and grounded. Focus on yourself and the things you can control, and always remember that timing is everything. If things wouldn’t come to your plans, just remember that your time will surely come, you should just give it another try, be patient, and never give up!"

Adrian Keith Caamino
Master of Science in Resources Engineering (EMerald)
Master in Geology and Mining Engineering from the Université de Liège (Belgium)
Master en Sciences de la Terre et des Planètes, Environnement, spécialité "Georesources Engineering" from Université de Lorraine (France)
Master of Science – Major: Geosciences from Luleå Tekniska Universitet (Sweden)


"In my current role, working with colleagues worldwide, I'm grateful to have experienced an inclusive atmosphere that values ideas no matter how old you are or where you come from. Superiors treat me as equal, fostering an environment where all perspectives matter. This type of work environment has nurtured a sense of confidence and motivation. Whenever I reflect on my time studying in Madrid, I still appreciate how my parents trusted and encouraged me to go out, speak up, and learn from my mistakes and triumphs. When parents, mentors, and others who influence the youth provide unwavering support, encourage open dialogue, and listen to young individuals, it creates a safe space where the youth can thrive. This empowerment is what will fuel their pursuit of excellence and encourage their peers to do the same.

When you choose to study in Europe, you embark on an adventure that offers more than just textbooks and lectures. It's a gateway to travel, explore new horizons, and create lasting memories. You'll be exposed to new challenges and lessons in and out of the classroom that will expand your knowledge and hone your critical thinking skills. Adapting to different cultures becomes second nature, broadening your perspective and enriching your worldview. Beyond the fun and friendships, you'll be equipped with invaluable life experiences that foster independence and personal growth."


Kara Iraya Alampay

Erasmus Exchange Student

Business Accounting, Macroeconomics, and Microeconomics

Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Madrid) - 2018

"Cliché is as it may sound, but the youth really have a vital role in building a better future for the rest of the world. Therefore, it is important to promote a culture of excellence in our youth—excellence not only in terms of academic excellence, but also with culture and the arts, social justice, community participation and in many more facets. One of the many ways to do this is aligning our pedagogical goals with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals which is a blueprint for all nations in achieving peace and prosperity. As an educator myself, it is important to also recognize that primary and secondary teachers are a vital cog in threading this path to excellence. It starts with realigning our classroom objectives with global targets, encouraging our students to put theories into practice, and making our youth feel that each and everyone has the potential to be actor of positive change in our society. Therefore I am compelled to use the knowledge and expertise I gained here to be part of the change, promote #yEUth for Excellence, hurdle our education crises, and build the future every Filipino deserves."

Paul Jhon Diezon
MSc Sustainable Development – Ecology
KU Leuven


"My engagement with youth within the EU has shown me that while young people are deeply committed to achieving excellence, they also highly value the guidance and mentorship provided to them. And so it is remarkable for me to experience the collaborative efforts of EU organizations and institutions as they deliver mentorship, guidance, and platform to engage the youth in discussions and innovations, even in complex areas like the food system.

One of the things I absolutely love about the EU is that it's a paradise for walkers. You can explore so much on foot, which not only helps you learn about different cultures but also keeps you active and promotes your overall health. Every little step you take here feels like a step towards becoming a better version of yourself. Speaking of steps, the most challenging part of studying abroad is often the first step and convincing yourself to make a decision. But once you gather the courage to take a leap, put in the work, and give it your all, the results will follow. It will be absolutely worth it! And so here’s my last tip, pack your best pair of walking shoes when you make your move to the EU! They will be your companions on this exciting journey."


Rodalyn Apple Ariola
Master’s in Food Politics and Sustainable Development
European School of Political and Social Sciences (ESPOL), Catholic University of Lille, France
PhilFrance Scholar

"Europe offers various avenues for everyone from different origins and backgrounds to engage and participate in addressing social issues; social movements continue to construct and deconstruct societies of today. Being a student in Europe means that the world is your classroom.

Your road to Europe has already started many years ago, linked to your favorite childhood cartoons, hobbies, creative interests, even to your dreams for the future. These experiences are your building blocks and your inspiration to an enriching student life experience in Europe, where your stories will be heard and your identities valued. So reflect on these life experiences you’ve had and connect the dots, they lead your path here."


Ralph Romeo F. Ferolino
Master’s student in Migrations, Racism, Otherness

Université Paris Cité 
Institut des Humanités Sciences et Sociétés 
Paris, France

PhilFrance Master 2022 Scholar
President, Association of Filipino Students in France


"The youth, especially the Filipino youth, are certainly for excellence as their generation is best positioned to be stewards of a sustainable world. The youth not only choose purposeful occupations but imbibe their values in everyday life, conscious of the impacts of their lifestyle choices on people and the planet. With the challenges we currently face, the youth are eager to strive for excellence to contribute to make a better world and there is no better place to learn how to do it better than Europe, especially Germany, where excellence is a way of life.

It was through my experience in Germany that I learned that ideas are merely thoughts if you don’t act on it. And action means working with others at different stages of executing your idea. My foray into climate change started with circular economy work and in Germany, to foster change, we needed to engage with policymakers, industry practitioners, and the communities. It is the same model that inspires me today – ensuring government leaders are on board, we learn from the experts, and we ultimately include the people we need to serve."


Ma. Cristina Carmina B. Gregorio
MA Development Management, Ruhr University Bochum, 2014

“My time spent in the EU, particularly in Austria, has greatly influenced my desire for excellence. My horizons have been widened by my immersion in a different culture, which has helped me to appreciate diversity and the world's perspectives. The EU's focus on quality in education and research has motivated me to pursue the highest standards possible in my academic endeavors. As a Filipino student who currently studies in Vienna, my engagement with different cultures amplifies my abilities to be a more coordinated and collaborative individual in the journey towards excellence. My goals have been ignited by the EU's focus on high-quality education and cutting-edge research, which has encouraged me to take part in creating an exceptional future.”

Jazmine Krystelle Luym
BS Psychology 
Sigmund Freud University Vienna, Austria